Truage Epigenetic Testing in Orlando, FL

Truage Epigenetic Testing in Orlando, FL

Truage Epigenetic Testing in Orlando, FL

Discover Your Biological Age

If you could reverse your risk of age-related diseases and perhaps increase your lifespan, wouldn’t you? The number of birthdays you have had has little to do with how you feel and function. Rather, it’s your “biological” age that you should pay attention to if you want to be involved in helping yourself avoid age-related diseases. This is what Epigenetics Testing can help you do.

Benefits of Nutrient Therapy

  • Immediate & Complete Nutrient Absorption. With IV Therapy, nutrients are delivered directly into the bloodstream where the body can immediately use them. Within a few hours after infusion, you will enjoy the full effects.
  • Detoxifies for Anti-Aging Benefits. Toxins in the environment take a toll on your body and its appearance. IV Therapy delivers the antioxidants you need to help flush out toxins and fight off premature aging.
  • Energy Boost. If you suffer from chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, or even the common cold, IV Therapy effectively boosts the immune system, leaving you feeling energetic and refreshed.
  • Instant Rehydration. IV Therapy is the most efficient way to give the body optimal hydration that supports all vital organ functions. A properly hydrated body helps avoid medical conditions such as kidney stones, constipation, and muscle damage.
  • Ideal as Preventative Therapy. IV Therapy is a proactive step you can take as a preventative measure. Therapeutic doses of vitamin C, for example, have been shown to be toxic to cancer cells and are well known for their immunity-building benefits.
  • Faster Recovery for Athletes. Sore muscles, muscle spasms and exhaustion often result from strenuous exertion. With IV Nutrient Therapy, athletic people can quickly replenish lost vitamins and minerals to speed up recovery from workouts. It also quickly rehydrates the body.
  • Aids in Weight Loss. IV Therapy boosts the adrenal gland which in turn speeds up the metabolism, key to burning calories. It provides the necessary hydration and balance of vitamins and minerals to keep energy levels up, improve sleep and ensure your metabolism is at peak performance.
  • Beneficial for Hair, Skin, and Nails. IV Therapy helps repair dull dry skin and brittle hair and nails by an infusion of antioxidant vitamins, electrolytes, and a biotin booster.
  • Mood Enhancement. IV delivery of key nutrients and amino acids helps elevate mood, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. It provides relief from migraine and tension headaches, better sleep, and immune system support.
  • Fully Customizable. We can customize your IV infusion to address your specific deficiencies and treatment goals. In addition, we offer several IV Cocktails that address many common issues.
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Aluma Wellness White Icon | Medspa in Orlando, FL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eos blanditiis incidunt qui quibusdam temporibus sit dolores ratione qui commodi commodi id laboriosam delectus. Et eius fugiat qui animi porro et repellendus rerum aut esse obcaecati in recusandae voluptas et ducimus totam.

Aluma Wellness White Icon | Medspa in Orlando, FL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eos blanditiis incidunt qui quibusdam temporibus sit dolores ratione qui commodi commodi id laboriosam delectus. Et eius fugiat qui animi porro et repellendus rerum aut esse obcaecati in recusandae voluptas et ducimus totam.


Biological age is an indicator of how well your cells are aging. Is your DNA giving your cells healthy instructions so they can keep your body in tip-top shape? Your biological age is the most accurate prediction of health span (how healthy you are) and lifespan (how long you will live). Epigenetic Testing is the best way to determine your biological age.

Ideally, it should be lower than your actual age. Studies have suggested that reducing your biological age by 7 years cuts the risk of age-related diseases in half. A higher biological age than actual age correlates with a higher risk of developing age-related diseases like cancers and Alzheimer’s. You cannot change your actual age, but there is plenty you can do to lower your biological age.

Genes are the basic physical and functional units of heredity. They are a set of instructions that determine your appearance, your behavior, and even your propensity to certain diseases. Nearly half of the thousands of genes in your body were inherited from your parents. The other half of your genes are switched on or off by your lifestyle choices. This is the half you can control.

Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that switch genes on and off. These mechanisms are influenced by such factors as: 

  • Nutrition
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Physical activity
  • Medication
  • Pollution
  • Sleep habits

The results of our TruAge Epigenetic Test give you vital information you can use to live longer and healthier. Armed with knowledge, you can take the steps necessary to lower your biological age.

The test involves a small blood sample that is used to analyze millions of tiny markers and their patterns on your DNA. When we get your report back, our anti-aging specialist will give you an in-depth analysis of areas in your life that are affecting your biological age. You then know to make the necessary lifestyle changes. Your biological age serves as a tracking measurement over time to see how well anti-aging interventions are working for you.

The report also indicates how your immune system is aging, differentiating between what is “normal” aging vs. what is unique to you. It will provide specific gene-risk data that will look at your current risk for things like diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and obesity.

Additionally, there are certain anti-aging therapies and peptides we can prescribe to help slow down and even reverse aging in the body. Learn more about our Senolytic Treatment and Peptide Therapy.

Schedule Your TruAge Epigenetic Test

If you could reverse your risk of age-related diseases with a simple Epigenetics Test, why wouldn’t you? Learn more about our Epigenetic Testing with a complimentary consultation with one of our experts.

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