Stem Cell Banking service Test

Stem Cell Banking service Test

Stem Cell Banking with American Cell Technology

Stem cell banking has revolutionized how individuals can preserve their health for future medical treatments. At American Cell Technology (ACT), we provide a safe and efficient way to store your own mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), ensuring you have access to your youngest and healthiest cells when you need them most. Whether it’s for orthopedics, autoimmune conditions, or anti-aging, ACT’s proprietary processing ensures billions of live stem cells are ready for use at any time. With our FDA-registered, cGTP-compliant lab, you can trust that your stem cells are safely preserved in optimal conditions.

Current Uses for Personal Stem Cells

Stem cells offer therapeutic potential for a wide range of conditions, including: 
Orthopedics: Treatment for lower back pain, arthritis (knee, hip, and shoulder), tendon or ligament damage, and as an alternative to joint replacement surgery.
Autoimmune Conditions: Stem cells may help manage conditions like diabetes, Crohn’s disease, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Neurological Disorders: Stem cells show promise in treating neurological issues such as autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, multiple sclerosis, concussions, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries.
Cardiology and Pulmonology: Stem cell treatments are also being explored for heart failure, asthma, and COPD.
Bio-Hacking and Cosmetic Applications: Stem cells are used for anti-aging, improving sexual function, enhancing body performance and recovery, hair restoration, and skin repair.

Why Choose American Cell Technology?

Access to Your Youngest Cells: With American Cell Technology, your personal stem cells, complete with your own DNA, are stored for your lifetime. These stem cells retain their youthful and robust characteristics, giving you access to the best possible cells for future medical treatments.

On-Demand Access: ACT provides fast stem cell retrieval options within 48 hours for emergencies or scheduled procedures, ensuring that your treatment is never delayed.

Quality Assurance: ACT guarantees the highest standard of quality, with pure mesenchymal stem cells and accurate live stem counts. These cells are maintained with superior viability, meaning they remain healthy and ready for use at any time.

Safety and Security: Stem cell processing at ACT follows strict guidelines, ensuring that your cells are securely stored in a controlled environment using the latest technology. The facility is FDA-registered and cGTP-compliant, giving you peace of mind knowing that your stem cells are handled with the highest standards of safety.

Seamless Harvesting Process: Harvesting adipose (fat) tissue for stem cell storage is a simple process that requires minimal downtime. Most clients can return to their daily activities immediately following the procedure.

Why Bank Your Stem Cells?

Stem cell technology represents a significant advancement in modern medicine, offering countless treatment options across various medical fields. Stem cells are unique because they are multipotent, meaning they can replicate and develop into different cell types such as bone, cartilage, and muscle. As we age, the number and vitality of our stem cells diminish, making it important to bank your stem cells while they are still young and healthy.

Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an excellent source of personal stem cells that remain viable well into your 80s and 90s. Storing your own stem cells, complete with your DNA, eliminates the risk of your body rejecting the cells and reduces the potential transmission of infectious diseases. When handled properly in a cGTP facility like ACT, your stem cells are safely preserved for future use.

The Stem Cell Banking Process


Physician Consultation

Our healthcare providers will guide you through the tissue harvesting process, explaining how the cells will be sent to ACT for storage.


Tissue Harvesting

This quick and easy procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Lasting only 15 to 45 minutes, the process involves little to no discomfort.


Sample Shipment

After obtaining a small sample of your adipose tissue, our provider will send it to ACT’s FDA-approved facility for processing. Additional blood tests will be conducted to ensure the quality and preservation of your stem cells.


Cryogenically Frozen

Once received by our trained technicians, your stem cells are cryogenically frozen in a controlled environment. The cells are stored in liquid nitrogen at -190°C, ensuring long-term preservation.


Banking your stem cells offers a proactive approach to your future health. As medical advancements continue, the ability to use your stem cells for regenerative treatments can be invaluable. Stem cells can treat degenerative diseases, tissue damage, and orthopedic injuries. By storing your stem cells now, you ensure access to a younger, healthier version of your cells, which may be crucial for future medical therapies.

The stem cell banking process typically involves these steps:
Collection: Stem cells are collected from tissues such as fat (adipose) or blood through a minimally invasive procedure.
Processing: The collected sample is taken to a laboratory where the stem cells are isolated, purified, and tested for viability.
Cryopreservation: Once processed, the stem cells are stored in a cryogenic facility at ultra-low temperatures, ensuring they remain healthy and viable for future use.
Secure Storage: The stem cells are stored in a controlled, secure environment for long-term preservation.

American Cell Technology (ACT) specializes in the collection, preparation, and cryogenic storage of adult stem cells, often harvested from adipose (fat) tissue. ACT uses advanced technology to ensure the highest quality stem cell isolation and storage. Once collected, your stem cells are securely stored in a cryogenic facility, kept at low temperatures, maintaining their viability for years. ACT provides personalized service, continuous monitoring of your stored cells, and offers easy access when needed for future treatments.

Stored stem cells have a variety of potential therapeutic applications, including:

  • Regenerative medicine: For repairing or regenerating damaged tissues and organs.
  • Treatment of degenerative diseases, Such as arthritis, cardiovascular conditions, and neurological disorders.
  • Orthopedic injuries: To enhance recovery from joint, muscle, or bone injuries.
  • Cosmetic and anti-aging treatments: To rejuvenate skin or aid in cosmetic procedures.

Because these stem cells are derived from your body, they can be safely used without the risk of rejection.

American Cell Technology stands out for its state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge stem cell processing techniques. Here are some key reasons to choose ACT:

  • Advanced technology: ACT utilizes some of the industry’s most advanced stem cell isolation and cryopreservation methods.
  • Personalized care: ACT offers tailored services that meet your health and storage needs.
  • Secure and long-term storage: Your stem cells are kept in a safe, controlled environment for as long as needed, ensuring their future viability.

Convenient access: ACT provides easy access to your stem cells whenever needed for medical treatments.

Contact Us

To learn more about how stem cell banking can benefit your health, or to start the process of banking your own stem cells, contact us today at

Stem cell technology offers an invaluable opportunity to preserve your health and ensure your access to cutting-edge treatments in the future. Don’t wait—take advantage of this advanced medical service and secure your future with American Cell Technology.

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