Heavy Metal Testing in Orlando, FL

Heavy Metal Testing in Orlando, FL

Heavy Metal Testing in Orlando, FL

What are Heavy Metals?

It is nearly impossible to avoid exposure to heavy metals. While some heavy metals such as iron, cobalt, and zinc are essential nutrients, other heavy metals—especially lead, mercury, and arsenic—can be toxic to the body at elevated levels. Some sources of heavy metal poisoning include occupational exposure, industrial wastes, agricultural runoff, paints, and treated lumber. At Aluma Wellness, we offer a Heavy Metal test to detect toxic concentrations of heavy metals.

Symptoms Associated with Heavy Metal Poisoning

Heavy metal poisoning symptoms include, but are not limited to:

  • Muscle pain
  • Gastrointestinal pain / nausea / vomiting / diarrhea
  • Central nervous system dysfunction
  • Vision problems
  • Headaches
  • Anemia
  • Heart problems
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Aluma Wellness White Icon | Medspa in Orlando, FL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eos blanditiis incidunt qui quibusdam temporibus sit dolores ratione qui commodi commodi id laboriosam delectus. Et eius fugiat qui animi porro et repellendus rerum aut esse obcaecati in recusandae voluptas et ducimus totam.

Aluma Wellness White Icon | Medspa in Orlando, FL

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Eos blanditiis incidunt qui quibusdam temporibus sit dolores ratione qui commodi commodi id laboriosam delectus. Et eius fugiat qui animi porro et repellendus rerum aut esse obcaecati in recusandae voluptas et ducimus totam.


As you can see, exposure to toxic heavy metals is hard to avoid. Whether it’s lead, mercury, arsenic, or others, all of these toxic metals cause oxidative damage by generating free radicals and depleting antioxidant reserves. These free radicals and oxidative stress cause inflammation and tissue acidification, which compromise the immune system.

Many of the symptoms associated with heavy metal poisoning are similar to many other ailments. Healthcare professionals may often overlook heavy metal poisoning as a possible source of your symptoms. However, if you smoke, have occupational exposure to toxins, or have a mouthful of amalgam fillings, among other things, you might suspect elevated heavy metal as causing your symptoms. You should consider getting tested for heavy metal toxicity.

Our test is a simple in-house blood sample that gets shipped out to a specialty lab to be analyzed for the 3 most common heavy metals- arsenic, lead, and mercury. Our healthcare professional will consult with you to fully explain the results and make sound recommendations as to how to treat elevated levels.

Lead Poisoning. Lead has been linked to learning disabilities, hyperactivity, seizures, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s. Sources of lead poisoning include lead-based paint and plumbing (especially in older homes), cigarette smoke, vehicle emissions, some canned food, and even refined chocolate.

Mercury Poisoning. Mercury can easily cross the blood-brain barrier to cause neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s. It has also been linked to heart arrhythmias, blurred vision, and headaches. Eating contaminated shellfish or fish, such as king mackerel, swordfish, and pickerel, among others, is one source of mercury poisoning. Another is the release of mercury vapor from mercury dental work.

Arsenic Poisoning. Arsenic poisoning has been linked to lung and skin cancers, kidney failure, and vertigo. Although the U.S. banned its production in 1985, it is found naturally in groundwater, mineral ore, and geothermal events such as volcano eruptions. It is also an industrial byproduct of burning coal and fuel oils and in glassmaking, and is widely used in the electronics industry in the manufacture of semiconductors. Arsenic is also suspected to be present in certain shellfish and bottom-feeding fish.

Our healthcare professionals will consult with you to fully explain the results of the test and make recommendations as to how to deal with elevated levels of heavy metals. If your test result reveals that you have high levels of heavy metal toxicity, then one of our specialty IVs including a detox drip or chelation therapy may be a good treatment option. Other options may include lifestyle and dietary changes. Read more about our Custom IVs here.

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