Peptide Therapy in Orlando, FL

Peptide Therapy in Orlando, FL

Peptide Therapy in Orlando, FL

Sexual Wellness Peptides

Peptides are naturally occurring short chains of amino acid molecules that tell cells and other molecules how to behave. To date, there are about 7,000 known peptides, each with specific jobs to perform.


Peptide therapy helps cells perform their specific function optimally. Because certain peptides trigger specific functions within the body, there are numerous peptide therapies available. We are proud to offer peptide treatments that can specifically address your health goals. Below are some of the most popular sexual wellness peptides we offer.


Fortunately, there is a nonsurgical, all-natural way to improve sexual function and enlarge penis size, called the Endura Shot, commonly referred to as the P-shot. It has proven to work well for men who cannot reach or maintain an erection and for men with a tanking libido. The Endura Shot not only restores sexual function but in many cases increases penis length and girth. Additionally, it’s a godsend for men who have sexual issues because of prostate cancer, diabetes, surgery, or the side effects of medication.

Much has been learned in recent years about the body’s remarkable capacity to heal itself, now aided immensely by the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Our Endura Shot uses a client’s own plasma to stimulate the body’s regenerative abilities. PRP is a nutrient-rich growth factor that, when introduced into the penis, releases growth factors that stimulate cellular regeneration and accelerate tissue repair. PRP is one of the most advanced natural treatments — and one of the safest — to heighten a man’s ability.

Unlike treatments that must be done every time an erection is desired, the Endura Shot delivers results lasting up to 18 months. During this time, the Endura Shot continues to increase collagen production and build new blood vessels for improved blood flow to the penis.

Getting an Endura Shot is a relatively quick treatment that takes less than an hour. Your blood is drawn and centrifuged to separate the nutrient-rich platelets, which are then injected into the penis. Don’t cringe at the thought — the area has been numbed before injection. You may feel some strange pressure, but pain? Not really. For most, it’s a 1 or 2 on a scale of ten. Although some patients see immediate results, most will see changes in a few weeks, with the full changes complete in about three months.

A single treatment with the Endura Shot can produce long-lasting results. However, if desired, a booster shot may be done as early as 6 months after the initial treatment. During that time, you will enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Improved strength and intensity of orgasms
  • Increased libido, penis sensitivity, and sexual stamina
  • May improve or correct Peyronie’s Disease
  • Increased blood circulation to the penis
  • Gives the penis a more youthful appearance
  • Relief from erectile dysfunction
  • May increase the length of the penis up to 20% 
  • Provides a post-prostate surgery solution

Hormone Replacement Therapy. In addition, many of our clients enjoy supplemental benefits when the Endura Shot is combined with testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone is responsible for maintaining a healthy libido as well as regulating energy levels, strength, and muscle mass. Read more about Testosterone Replacement Therapy here. 

Peptide Therapy. The peptide PT-141 helps treat sexual dysfunction and low libido in men. PT-141 works on the nervous system by activating neurons in the brain’s hypothalamus to increase sexual desire. It also enhances mood and elevates sexual gratification. Read more about PT-141 here.

ED Medications. In addition, many of our clients enjoy further favorable results when the Endura Shot is combined with ED medications. Erectile Dysfunction medications support the benefits of the Endura Shot by increasing blood flow to the penis. Read more about ED Medications here.

Which Peptide is Best for You?

You can depend on the specialists at Aluma Wellness to determine the best peptide therapy for you based on your symptoms and blood test results. No matter what your goal is — lose weight, look younger, or enjoy sexual health — your peptide protocol will be completely customized to meet your needs.

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